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Planning Your Tour to China

Lao Tzu 老子 said around 604 BC during the Zhou Dynasty those immortal words, “a journey of a thousands miles must begin with a single step.” China is both a trip of a lifetime but also a complex destination so it is essential to gather as much expert information as possible as you plan your trip and we hope that this guide will be your first step.

For centuries China stood as a leading civilization, outpacing the rest of the world in the arts and sciences. Despite the turmoil of much of the 20th Century much of this glorious past can still be seen on a visit to China opening up a world to the curious traveller that has been hidden for much of history.

Today you will see the emergence of a new modern, China. This contrast between the old and new makes China a truly fascinating 21st century destination – a place to see now!

At The China Travel Company we are dedicated to showing our clients both the well known of today as well as the sights of tomorrow as China is full of amazing destinations that are practically unheard of outside of the country. All our staff have a passion for China and have lived and worked in China, often for several years.

We are delighted to share our knowledge of this extraordinary destination with you so please do not hesitate to contact us for further advice.

The China Travel Company Team.

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